
I love patterns!!! Any kinds of patterns… I just love patterns. Especially when I am assigned to branding projects that allow me to incorporate patterns into the brand design, my heart would skip a beat or two in pure excitement.

Then again, I shall not get into my commercial work. Let’s go back to the original subject. Pattern design… I chanced upon indigo dye while doing research for my Taiwan trip.  So while I was there, I signed up for a short workshop 卓也藍染 Indigo Dyeing House at Miaoli.

Indigo dye is a Japanese dyeing technique that typically involves folding, twisting or bunching cloth and binding it, then dyeing it in indigo. Initially I was more attracted to the effect of the patterns rather than the process of dyeing. But when I discovered the joy of the process…. man! I really salute those that are so passionate about it.


I used the indigo dye on my tote bag. My experience was definitely only a small fragment of what the whole process is. But I found out later that the indigo leaves aren’t that popular among farmers as it’s less profitable, and that it’s also a dying trade. But that’s the thing about craft. It’s never easy. It’s hard to imagine these artisans having to grow their own indigo leaves and harvesting it. It’s a long haul before the leaves can be made into indigo dye and used in the final crafting.

I just enjoy experimenting with things…Trying things that I have not done before.  Just keep trying, keep playing with different materials. Don’t be afraid to fail.

One of my fave quotes has to be:


Let your imagination go wild. In the process of experimenting… you will never know the outcome. But don’t stop. Keep seeking the new; recycle; rearrange; reinvent… By experimenting with the unknown, your solutions could be just in front of you. Enjoy your day. Be in the present… cos today is a gift.


Check out these indigo masters :

Really cool stuff here.


You can check out the indigo dyeing house. I had stayed there for a few days. It’s a place wrapped in greenery. Think peace.